Bed Lister 7025
Precision Bedding Solutions for Maximum Crop Yield
The Orthman Model 7025 rigid-mount Bed Lister provides quality bedding at a competitive price. The heavy-duty U-bolt mounted row units provide an economical, yet effective design for creating consistent beds for your crops. Rotary moldboards mounted on high- strength steel shanks offer a smooth and consistent pull to create perfectly shaped beds. The 7025 is available in a wide range of sizes and row spacings to fit your needs. The 8-row 30” model is available with a rigid toolbar design, the 12- and 16-row 30” models are available with a vertical-folding toolbar design, and the 6-row 60” and 12-row 30” are available with the innovative Orthman stack-folding toolbar. All folding toolbars feature the time-tested and rugged Orthman design with internal hydraulic fold cylinders for a cleaner toolbar design and precision line-bored wing fold hinges for smooth folding and unfolding, every time.